Concealed Cinema, Brighton and Hove

concealed cinema in games room
May 2, 2023

Winding down the spiral staircase in this Brighton and Hove property hides a wonderful entertainment space. Encompassing a kitchen, table tennis table, cinema area and direct access out to a court yard it is a hit with the teenage children in this clients home. The home owners chose Pure Theatre to supply the kit for this fabulous space, we worked closely with the Architect throughout the project to ensure the correct products were specified and offering advice on projector distances and screen sizes.

The resuting room features a TV with a ceiling recessed projector screen coming down in front of it. Three Monitor Audio CP-WT380IDC speakers sit below the screen coupled with 6 Super Slim CSS230 in-ceiling speakers for fantastic sound. Projection comes from an Epson EH TW9400 mounted in a CR50 projector lift which hides it all away when not in use.
